Selasa, 27 September 2011

Kindle vs Nook..... which do you like?

Kindle vs Nook..... which do you like?

This means that the reader purchase, but do not know what to look for. As for the eReaders comparison, there are some things that are very important and those that do not depend on you. A few things you should definitely look at the comparison, if the size of the speed, battery life and screen.
Reader on the market soared and reached new heights with each passing day. People are discovering how fun and easy to use reader. There are many different devices to choose from, but let's focus on and compare two of them color the surface, and Kindle 3G.
• Screen: One of the most important consideration when playing on the screen. The image quality is a long way to determine its readability, it will look like in low light or sunlight, and how difficult it is. Block with E-Ink display provides excellent readability in direct sunlight, easy to use and lightweight product. The main glass screen that makes easy reading in low light and provides a clear picture. Winner: The Kindle eInk through the display easy to read, which is very readable even in bright sunlight. Angle color LCD screen is great, but a little light and a little more on the eyes.
• Sizes: As with everything else, the size factor in assessing Reader. All offers eReaders size change font, then it ignores the scene. However, the fear of which is necessary to change the screen size and how it is easy to store around. One thing to consider regarding the transferability of confusion on the frequency, it is necessary to turn the page. Winner: nadviažeme
• Function: two eReaders do more than simply displaying electronic books. Each device can play music with an emphasis on the note and build the instruments, as well as PDF and EPUB viewing, but only in the corner, you can play a video, use applications and multitasking, with two screens . Winner: Roh
• Autonomy: Autonomy is an important factor in eReaders. It's not fun off the device in the middle of a good book, because the low battery. Most devices have relatively long battery life, but you should look at the evaluation of real people to see how it translates in the real world. Winner: Kindle (avalanche), which can take up to 30 days without WiFi turned on when the shower only lasts up to two weeks (which is already more than enough).